Start Your Business Online Today

Making money online is getting a huge buzz everywhere, and with good reason.

As people around the globe are changing their shopping habits, businesses everywhere also need to change to accommodate those habits… it really is that simple.

Just take notice of the growing empty retail space and empty office buildings scattered all over your small town or big city.

Many of these businesses may have been good companies that had great offerings and delivered wonderful customer service, but maybe some of these companies did not take proper advantage of the ‘power of the internet’, or worse yet, ignored the internet altogether, so they folded.

Today, many brick-and-mortar businesses are deciding to close their doors because of the rising costs of warehouse space and are making the decision to move their operations completely online, causing more unemployment as less people are needed to run certain types of online businesses.

Every dimension of life is using the internet in one way or another, to either get a message out, to find information, to get news, to invest, to pay bills, to stay in touch with family and friends, to sell a product or a service, to collaborate with others, to schedule appointments, and on and on.

All of this is being done through online content, images, texting, video, apps, podcasts, blurbs, and so many other creative ways online.

The internet has made it possible for anyone to get what they want, when they want it, and as much of it as they want with just a few clicks on your laptop or your mobile phone.

Whoa… let me correct myself… most anyone can get what they want by simply ‘asking for it’… (ie: OpenAi, ChatGPT, Apple Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Samsung Bixby).

Some would say that this age of technology is an incredible time, and yet, others would say that this may be a most dangerous time, regardless, the tech change is happening at a very rapid pace and it appears that this technology is not going to be reversing in our life time.

My personal focus in regards to this sweeping online technology, the changing economy, and the rapidly changing jobs market, is on how all of this is going to impact the individual person and their ability to attain financial security.

In other words, how are YOU gong to prepare to pay your bills and put food on your table as the job market shrinks.

Forget about getting rich (for now) with a website, how do you plan on making enough money to just live day-to-day if you happen to lose your job.

The pandemic of 2019 has opened up many sink holes all around us and has exposed us to how vulnerable many of us actually are when it comes to our personal income and financial security, as many employees were deemed as ‘non-essential workers’.

Are YOU a ‘non-essential worker’?

Some ‘non-essential workers’ continued to get paid while not having to go to work, but many more ‘non-essential workers’ were not getting paid as they were told NOT to come in and work.

Many who were told to not show up for work were simply out of luck and out of a paycheck.

I believe that starting a business online is no longer something someone should do for fun or to have a hobby or to kill some time.

Having a business online has become a necessity, and as for me, I do believe that a personal online business should be viewed, by all of us, as a Personal-Income-Back-Up-Plan, just in case you happen to be one of those unfortunate ‘non-essential workers’ to lose your job, which for most of us, our ‘job’ is our main source of income, and that would make us all ESSENTIAL WORKERS to ourselves and to our families.

Starting a business online does not necessarily mean that you must have something tangible to sell.

You just have to have ‘something of value’ to offer that thousands of people would like.

I created a page titled: ‘Start Building Your Online Business Today’ where I post an ongoing list of online business opportunities and ideas that you may want to consider.

The key point I want hammered into everyone’s head is that starting an online business is easy… but to build a profitable online business takes planning, research, strategy, and most of all… TIME.

So the most important point that I would like to make to everyone is to start building your online business as soon as you can… start now… get it done… now.

Start TODAY to build your Personal-Income-Back-Up-Plan

Time does not stand still and neither should you…

Start Building Today